Jack Sheppard: I don't know, maybe the chicken was just moving in that direction. Why does it have to mean anything that it crossed the road? John Locke: The Island demanded that the chicken cross at that moment. Sawyer: Why are you so interested in the damn chicken, Colonel Sanders? Tired of mangos? Sayid, calmly: I know more about chickens and the use of them crossing roads than I care to remember. I don't know what is more disturbing. The fact that that chicken has crossed the road, or that it has only three toes. Early Shannon: Ohmygod Boone, why should we care if the chicken crossed the road or not? It has nothing to do with us. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes: Dude, did you see a chicken come this way? Charlie: He only crossed the road so he could come over here to get my autograph. I am a bloody rock god you know. Kate: Why do you think it was running away from something? Maybe it just wanted to go to the other side. Rose : "If you say why did the chicken cross the road to me Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face. Desmond: "Whatever I do Charlie, the chicken will still cross the road." Nikki and Paulo: " " Jack: We either let the chickens cross the road together.... or they die alone. Locke: But I've looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw was a chicken crossing the road.
Ben: Do you believe in God, Jack? Jack: Do you? Ben: Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a chicken crossed the road jack... and if that's not proof of God, I don't know what is.
Juliet: They sent you down here to keep an eye on the chickens crossing the road didn't they? Hurley: Yep.
Jack: We don't have time to sort out why the chicken crossed the road. Charlie: Really? Last I heard we were positively made of time.