I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I'm such a sap. Doesn't take much to get a bunch of tears out of me. But then it could be because of the gob from my nose that just went down my throat.
Anyway, hope this comes out the right way, but I'd say that the majority of African American actors can sing well too. Seems to be a natural talent for many of them. Not saying all do nor that others don't.
At any rate, what I really like about this video is that it's very understated but gets it's point across gently without stirring the pot so to speak one way or the other. It's fairly obvious which thought is supported as far as the war itself, but in this it's almost an afterthought in the shadow of the real message. that regardless of your opinion they're still out there and deserve our support and respect. There are so many veterans walking around out there right now even who never got that. Many of them have never to this day been able to readjust into society. Many of them are the homeless we see walking around in the big cities. How distressing it is when they put their lives on hold for all of us and the future us to see what reception or lack of that they got. We cannot ever let that happen again. Whatever feelings we may have, they have no choice but to do their duty until they've served their time. And they deserve nothing less than our support/encouragement and respect.