Here's a long shot: who thinks Walt's mom isn't dead? I mean, we never saw a body. She came down with a "mysterious blood illness" and died within a week. I just rewatched the season 1 episode with Michael's flashback and she even told him she wanted to live on a boat. Obviously, she's not on the freighter, but it seemed pretty coincidental. I think she's involved somehow with Widmore or Ben, or who knows. Just a thought...
But I've recently been thinking- the plane crash was a complete accident. Desmond didn't enter the numbers and the plane was crashed. No one knew it would happen.
But when I think about it, it seems like some of the losties have been led on to the island, specifically through flight 815. Claire was given the ticket from a psychic who later confessed to Eko that he had no psychic abilities. Eko himself had his journey to LA delayed a few days by non other than the psychic to visit his house to examine the miracle of his daughter being alive. Desmond met the lady who explained that he would end up on the island pressing the button. Michael was given the ticket by Susan's boyfriend- Walt's adoptive dad for 9 years who suddenly decided when Susan died that he didn't want to be a father and handed off the responsibility to Michael.
So, if it was an accident, why does it seem like some of them were led to it purposely by others who wanted them on that exact flight? And if others wanted them to go to the island in the first place, why didn't they just have them transported directly (like Juliet or Locke's father)?
I agree about Walt's mom. That whole thing was just too fishy. I think she is involved with Widmore somehow.
And about the Losties being led to the island... there is a theory that the island led them there to help it and protect it from the others. "Jacob" seems to be held captive by Ben and the others. In Hurley's flash-forward episode, he told Jack that they needed to go back to the island and that "it" will find some way to bring them back.
That's a good theory, that the island brought them there. But I can't stop feeling suspicious about that psychic- he wanted Claire on that flight so bad. and also the fact that he showed up in one of Eko's flashbacks too and said he was a fake, and the fact that his daughter had a message to Eko from Yemi, leads me to believe he's important somehow.
Personally, I don' t think he's fake ... I think he just didn't want the attention, at least not in that way, especially when it involved his daughter. I think the Psychic was for real
But I also have always believed they were manipulated to be on that plane with whomever manipulating knowing where that plane would end up. I am beginning to wonder if it was known due to the time travel thing ...