I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
one thing that is clear is that ben hates widmore hates ben... a question that i have to ask is, is either of them truthful? and how does this effect the eternal fight between good and evil? this is what i came up with:
IF WIDMORE IS LYING: 1-it means he is out to exploit the island. 2-ben is protecting the island 3- locke is a good guy also protecting the island 4- sayid's future is justified 5- jack is wrong about going back 6-kate is right about not going back 7-the survivors need to stay to protect the sanctity of the island. 8- desmond's chances of dying are high
IF BEN IS LYING: 1-widmore wants to protect the island 2- sayid's future is a lie 3-locke's actions are wrong 4-widmore is a good guy 5-jack is right about getting back to the island 6- kate is wrong about not going back 7-desmond chances of living are greater than dying.
IF BOTH ARE LYING: 1- neither is good 2-sayid has been manipulated and his future is a lie 3-locke has been manipulated and his actions ar wrong 4- jack is right about going back; kate is wrong 5-the island survives by itself aat any cost (the island is bad?)
IF BOTH ARE TRUTHFUL: A- and the island is evil 1-ben is protecting evil 2- widmore wants to exploit evil 3-widmore is bad 4-ben is bad 5-sayid is manipulated by ben to protect evil 6-locke is manipulated by ben and the island to protect bad 7-jack is wrong and kate is right B. and the island is good 1- ben is protecting good. 2- widmore wants to exploit good 3- ben may be evil wanting to contain good or good wanting to protect it 4-widmore could use good for more good or he could use good in an evil way. 5-sayid in the future is protecting good and preventing it's exploitation 6- locke is protecting good 7- jack wants to go back to good 8- kate wants to stay in an evil world.
any way this goes some of the characters we love will be wrong or evil and others will be good/right... but not always what we want.... comments??
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
ben accuses him of staging the 815 crash ben has evidence that widmore dug up the 324 bodies in thailand he owns the freighter frank states widmore believes 815 is still out there he may have the coordinates of the island he wants the airplane (815)
more about ben:
widmore wants him wants to survive miles and company came for ben gives map to danielle, alex and karl calls michael on the boat knows the bomb was tried won't kill innocent people tells michael he is one of the good guys if he sabotages boat michal is his man on the boat
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
widmore: ben sez he hired ishmael to kill nadia he has nite-mares lives in a penthouse in london (anyone get the name of the place?) once had the island (everything you have you took from me) had alex killed and changed the rules is hiding penny? ben sez he can't find the island knew ben would come see him
ben: is protecting locke knows that hurley is impotant in getting to jacob travels thru time/space (ala dr who) manipulated sayid to kill ishmael manipulated sayid to work for him angered by widmore thru alex's death can control smokey can't kill widmore wants to kill penny controls the island