I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
all theories of science have started with a single thought... an idea... that fallible man has backed up with more thought. what if time is merely a concept... a concept that has become a part of the human life.... something we believe in so strongly that it limits us from experiencing a timeless life.... and only death can free us from this belief and from the restraints our thoughts have placed on time..... what if, in order for locke to travel on and off the island, he had to die to free himself from thought-restraining time.... and be able to experience the fullness of time... and the ability to pick and choose where you will be in time.... what if there is no past, no future, no now... but only everynow.... time occurring simultaneously..... beyond death... beyond lineal time.... is this what being a man of faith is about? is this what science has destroyed?
Interesting, but ... nature seems to say something slightly different. If there is no time, then why are there seasons? Why is there birth and death? Aging?
The sun rises and it sets, there is night and there is day. The flowers bloom and then they die. The planets revolve around the sun in a patterned cycle - each one of them.
Perhaps there is no time after existance is over - you know the life after death thought, but in this deminsion, everything seems to indicate that time does exist ...
Daniel compares it to a record spinning or a long thread. You can take both ends of the thread and turn them around to touch, this is a theory by I forget who - Einstein? And this is what's explored in the concept of wormholes and what not.