I have been kicking around the idea of an underwater hatch, I can figure how they get electric power, fresh water, food, and other necessities but I can't figure out how they get their air supply, that seems to be the sticky part. I know it is possible to break down seawater into oxygen and hydrogen if you have plenty of power available, submarines do it routinely, at least the nucs. do. There is still something we don't know concerning an underwater hatch, where it is and how it works.
My thought I think I have sent out there about this before. I think it's conected to something similair to a small oil rig platform. As for the air situation. I was reading a series of science fiction ( like starship troopers) and they used a version of hydropoonics. In these books (name escapes me right now) they used the same plants they used for food to help keep their air supply up and running. they used a 3 field rotation so as to keep the air quality high, and the food output at the needed capacity. Not sure how usable that is, but hey..It is lost.
Robert Heinlien, that's close anyway, wrote several novel/novellas about moon colonies and went into some detail on how they functioned. He also wrote a novel called,- "the moon is a harsh mistress", if you ever run accross it grab it, excellent reading. He wrote so many books I can't begin to list them all, I think,repeat think, he also wrote "starship troopers"?, not at all sure of that though.
If it truly was an oil platform type installation it would not be an underwater hatch, it would be an on top of the water hatch, and almost another island.
If it truly was an oil platform type installation it would not be an underwater hatch, it would be an on top of the water hatch, and almost another island.
I'm sorry...I didn't clarify better. The oil rig is just the face of it, and is the peice above that allows the to dockl to the station. The station itself is all underwater, and I'm starting to think the platform is more of just a small docking platform with maybe one small building for a lookout. Also it could house the fuel for the boats. I'm sure now that they have more than the one boat. They would not have given Michael their one and only boat just to be rid of him. I think they have more, and the dirrections they gave him will actually lead him to this place. Allowing them to re-aquire Walt, and not worry about having someone else try for the rescue on him.
I also have given more thought to why they let Hurley go. I'm starting to think that they did this to allow him to report to the losties what happened. When this info is passed on the losties I'm sure will be all about going after them. This leads me to believe one of a couple things could happen.
1. When the new group (almost assured to include Locke, and Eko if alive) with Sayid, Jin, Hurley, Charlie (who may be an "other" convert) and so on. This will leave the camp very undermanned as far as the strong people go. Leading to a small invasion similair to the one the taillies had to deal with. With the "others" taking Aaron, maybe Claire, and then also could Sun be in danger nmow due to the baby on the way????
2. The other train of thought I have is that again the info will force the losties to put a group together again, but with smaller numbers due to the hatch incedent. Knowing Locke if he's alive he will go with (unless the incedent crippled him again). If he's Ok the others would now (having all but Sayids guns) be able to have the upper hand in firepower. I still believe that the Others do want Locke, and would use the losties they have as bait to get him.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
i love the idea of the island being built around the hatches... it is so nicely grandiose.... but a thought jumped into my head about the caves... perhaps these were what the hatches were made from... something that was already in existence and only needed some fine tuning...
i love the idea of the island being built around the hatches... it is so nicely grandiose.... but a thought jumped into my head about the caves... perhaps these were what the hatches were made from... something that was already in existence and only needed some fine tuning...
I think that volts has mentioned something like this. I think it's very possible. I mean natural caves would make it easy to just size and install the hatch's, and the tunnel sytem that was at least there at one time.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
lockesladyness wrote: i love the idea of the island being built around the hatches... it is so nicely grandiose.... but a thought jumped into my head about the caves... perhaps these were what the hatches were made from... something that was already in existence and only needed some fine tuning... I think that volts has mentioned something like this. I think it's very possible. I mean natural caves would make it easy to just size and install the hatch's, and the tunnel sytem that was at least there at one time.
and with the volcanic construction of the island.. it would be easy for any manmade parts to be somewhat stable and not fall in...
If you started with natural caves (volcanic blisters) and lava tubes for tunnels it would cut way down on the amount of work and money spent to get the set-up estabilished and running. It still would be a massive and expensive undertaking but considerably more do-able both from a money and time standpoint. We will have to kick this around some more in the near future.
Just being silly here, but do you think that "fenry" has a little hideout like Dr. Evil does? And if so does he have the sharks with "FRICKEN LASERBEAMS ON THEM"???
Nasty thought # 6 5/8, suppose the underwater hatch is built into the side of one of the mountains but underwater. It could be connected by tunnels to the other hatches which solves a whole host of problems, including air, electric power, water, food, and communications. I just got this thought like a lightning strike and will have to think about this further. Get back to you later.
Nasty thought # 6 5/8, suppose the underwater hatch is built into the side of one of the mountains but underwater. It could be connected by tunnels to the other hatches which solves a whole host of problems, including air, electric power, water, food, and communications. I just got this thought like a lightning strike and will have to think about this further. Get back to you later.
Volts I am now completely convinced now that you are an "OTHER". You think so far outside the box. It's great hving a mind like that here though. I have gotten my mind moving around so many things more often since you joined. Keeps me going, and thinking about so much more on this crazy show, and the island in general.
I don't know about this other business but I am wondering about protocol for court appearances, are we supposed to bow and scrape before the almighty master supreme ruler of the universe. I don't want to make any mistakes and embarress myself and I do want to render honors where honors are due. Are we supposed to say sir and are we to salute or just bow or both? Details, details.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I don't know about this other business but I am wondering about protocol for court appearances, are we supposed to bow and scrape before the almighty master supreme ruler of the universe. I don't want to make any mistakes and embarress myself and I do want to render honors where honors are due. Are we supposed to say sir and are we to salute or just bow or both? Details, details.
smootch demands alot of bowing and genuflecting.... just rub oil on my feet and i am happy!!!!!!
you have a great mind and much knowledge.. it is always good to run into this... when do we talk about the radio tower??
Whenever you are so inclined, but we have very little information to work with. If you remember shortly after they got into the cavern/hatch where the computers and washing machines and such were located you could see the base of a tower just outside some of the windows. From something danielle said I got the impression the antenna was up near the black rock. I don't think the tower we saw in the hatch is/was located anywhere near the black rock, but I am not sure of this. We really don't have a good feel for the spacial relationships between various items we do know about, such as the hatches, the black rock, the caves, danielle's hideout, the waterfall/pool, and the twin beechcraft, I wish we did.
I'm a beer guy from head to toe. I am an equal opportunity beer drinker. It takes a very bad (blatz,black label) beer for me not to drink it. My prefered drink for the summertime and hanging out by the fire is most often Mich Goldern Light. But when I'm in areas that offer imports on tap I'll drink my fair share of Guinness or even better is if they have that, and Bass ale on tap. Give me a black&Tan and I'm a very happy boy. I used to drink B&T every Tuesday night at the irish pub with my best friend. Great times. Just hanging out and having some drinks without all the drama that is involved at most bars.
Another itch in the back of my mind, not that kind of itch, down girl, but if memory serves me danielle never saw the hatch and knew nothing about it yet she changed the outgoing message being broadcast over the radio. This indicates to me the control point for the transmitter is not in the hatch but must be somewhere else, possibly in/near the black rock, she at least was aware of the ship and had visited it many times. I had thought for some time that the reel to reel tape drives in the cavern were the audio source for the radio. I still am convinced there is another hatch in/near the black rock and danielle knows where it is and has been in there many times, possibly even living there for a time. If that is the case then the persons unknown who punched the hole in the side of the ship and stashed stuff in there didn't know about the hatch or they would have used it instead. I never did think danielle actually lived in her hideout, it was too exposed to the weather, and anyone passing by would have been able to see her. More to come after I think about this a bit.
It would make sense that Dannielle would be staying somewhere now that her pad was blown up when Hurley was out getting the battery. So she could indeed be hanging out in this place if it does exist. I have to agree that there has to be more to the BRock, and having a hidden area near or under that would be smart.
If the hatch, cavern, or whatever you want to call it was destroyed or badly damaged by the flareup the emphasis will have to be placed somewhere else. This will either shift to the caves, the beach, or another hatch. If the hatch/cavern is abandoned they will need someplace else for security and/or shelter, or both. It serves little purpose to speculate any further, we will just have to wait 'til fall.
A bit of further discussion in re- the antenna, it is a rule of thumb in any type of radio transmitting that the higher the antenna the greater the range, so if whoever set up the radio system wanted as much range as was possible the only logical place to put the antenna would be on top of the highest mountain. If it had been placed on the side of a mountain the mountain would have reflected the signal in one direction only.
As my thoughts on the antennea continue to build, and I get into that train of thought more. The first thing I've been thinking about has been this. What was it there for originally?? Did Danielle ever say if anything other than the numbers were being transmited before she changed it? But even before that I'm thinking there was another use for it. What was it, and why start sending the numbers??
One thing that is pretty clear, the incident that happened caused the whole thing with the button having to be pushed. So, it was actually prebutton pushing. Whatever the incident was, it instigated the magnetic charge to start building up and have to have a conduit or a release to it after 108 minutes. Think of say a balloon that is continually being filled with ait and eventually it has to have a bit of it released otherwise it would just explode. But what I think happened with the key is, I think Desmond just released all of it all at once. Therefore nullifying the need to release little bits of it at a time.
As far as an underwater hatch, tunnels can go under water from land.