IR at least it's not just your team. My Vikes have lost 2 of the 3 losses in the last half, and I dare say pretty much in the last half of the 4th quarter. I wish they'd learn that they are a running team, and when the running game is working like it was against the Pack don't stop. Pound it down their throats. I know there needs to be a pass here or there, but when you have over 150 yds running in the first half. keep doing it. Adrian Peterson had 112 in the first half, and got 4 more carries the rest of the ame....Um...WTF??? Now I'm a believer that you need to give a coach 3 seasons to get his system in and working. Nope...not any more. Childress has no clue, and should be gone before the season is over. Get use a coasch with half a brain.
Bret Favre won't last all season at the pace he is going. GB has won 8 in a row so the bubble is going to burst fast. Minnesota has not played poorly they have just been unlucky.
I wanted them to win al the way through until Miami won a game. i thought it would have been so funny to have one team win every game, and one loose all.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
go cardinals.. it would be cool for them to get their first superbowl win.
I was sorta rooting for them because I have an acquantaince who loves to beat his enthusiasum for his favorite teams to the ground. I love bantering back and forth, but this man is the worst I've ever seen, seriously. He tries to forbid my other friends dogs from playing with any stuffed animals that resemble his favorite teams mascots. He holds the stuffed animal in the dogs face and tells them "respect, respect." Poor dogs look at him half confused and half afraid.