I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
sometimes i hate my computer. i was typing in my story and did spell check and somehow, twice now, LOST the whole thing!! grrrrr!!! agravating!!!!! so i will get it in tomorrow for all to read...
let us get the nite going... grab a friend and sit on the couch!!! have the time of your life!!!
Well, I'm not going to be pasting my stories in here anymore. I'm just gonna post links when I put a ne wone up at fanfic.net because when I try to put it here, it takes out all the punctuation and I have to painstakingly go back and put it all back in!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Man, andI am really starting to get alot of hits on my story too! nearly 1400 now! I just edited the last chapter because I didn't like it and now I'm starting on the new one.
LL I read yours today but I assumed you didn't want comments in the thread itself.
It was another picturesque scene among many. A brisk tropical breeze swept along the ocean water, pushing frothy waves along the surface until they crashed among the smooth and jagged rocks below.
Grey and white gulls glided with pointed wings along the waterfall, occasionally dipping down searching for prey. One of them broke from the flock, dipped down and then sharply turned upwards scaling the height of the rocky cliff, making its way over the edge and above two people standing alone and facing each other.
Oh, and Aisha ... if you and MomAisha are looking for really good movies to see together I HIGHLY recommend Reservation. It's an incredibly good movie and very clean as well. Very refreshing in this day and age!
Romance, some sad stuff ... but I don't even remember if there were any curse words or not so it must not have been too bad!
Aisha i'm doing pretty good tonight. Not in as much pain as I have been lately, last night for a few, and just looking forward to the weekend with Plinko that I have coming in a couple weeks.
hey brax when did all this new schedule crap happen?
New schedule crap happened a couple of weeks (I guess really about a month now) ago when they put me in charge of the whole mids shift (both crews) and want me here to be able to overlap with any crew that was working.
This is me doing a fly-by. Life's a little busy at the moment. If over the last couple of days you've tried to communicate with me on here but I haven't responded it's because I neglected to logout last time I was in. I'll post an update soon as I can.
I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.
This is me doing a fly-by. Life's a little busy at the moment. If over the last couple of days you've tried to communicate with me on here but I haven't responded it's because I neglected to logout last time I was in. I'll post an update soon as I can.