I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Work last night was absolutely bitter cold. The night before it was really nice. I have stories to tell about work but they're going to take a while to type so when I go quiet that's what I'm doing.
will be nice to read them!!!
we may get some sunshine this week... what does it look like????
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Work last night was absolutely bitter cold. The night before it was really nice. I have stories to tell about work but they're going to take a while to type so when I go quiet that's what I'm doing.
last night here was really nice, but it snowed today!!!! and the snow is still on the ground! it is going to be very cold tonight brrrr!
OK. This has to start with last weekend and then it will conclude with this weekend.
Last weekend, my brother was out of town because my sister-in-law's brother recently returned from his mission and the family all got together at a cabin by a nearby lake for the weekend. As such, I sort of became his substitute for giving people rides to and from the forest, etc. Going out there it was just this one guy that I gave a ride to but coming back it was him and two other girls. The guy was nice enough, whatever, but there was just something about him that gave me the creeps. Saturday night (a week ago) one of the two girls I was supposed to drive home hurt her ankle and had to leave early. The people who came to get her came around to the front and were asking us to tell the other girl (the two girls stay at the same house on the weekends) that they would come pick her up around midnight. In my head I'm starting to panic because this means I will be left alone in my car with this guy after dark and I'm just not comfortable with that. So I tell them that I'm more than happy to give this girl a ride back down as I was already planning on doing so. They were happy about that and all's well. So after I drop both people off where they need to be I text my brother telling him that if this guy asks him for my phone number please don't give it to him.
Now to this weekend. So Friday night the gal that works up at the front with me got it into her head that I need to get to know the guy who works the first "scare station" (my own term) on this forest trail. She's all saying how she thinks he's really cute and if she weren't married she'd make out with him, etc. So she keeps coercing this guy to come down and talk with us when we don't have any victims to torment. (When we have a line or any customers he shouts "Next victim!" to let us know he's ready and it's also to space people out along the trail so that you're not one right on top of the other.) All night she would do this and I wasn't giving her the satisfaction of admitting that he's cute. (I think he is but I'm not sure because his face was mostly in shadow when he was down there talking with us.) Then I get home on Friday and maybe like half an hour after I get home my brother calls. He's asking me how it was that night up at the front and whatever. Then he says to me that oh by the way "you don't date because you're a hard-working, dedicated graduate student". (Something to that effect anyways.) Turns out my instincts were right on the money and the kid I gave a ride to both nights last weekend had talked to my brother along those lines.
So then last night, it's absolutely bitter cold, snow on the ground, etc. Before we're ready to open, I'm up at the front table, waiting for the cash box, etc. The guy that works at the first station, Hayden, came down and he and I were chatting and stuff, then he had to go get his smoke machine and other props ready. Theresa, the gal that I work with up at the front came down just barely after this and was all "So did he come down here just to talk to you?" I said I didn't know and that I still don't know if he's cute or not because his face was covered. (He was wearing one of those head hood things that skiers wear that leaves only an area around your eyes exposed to the elements.) Then later I was walking up towards where the garbage was (I had some hot chocolate because it was so cold) and Theresa says to me, "You know, you can go sit in that first tunnel so you're out of the wind for a bit." Hayden's station is that first tunnel (and the night had suddenly turned into get so and so and Hayden together night). So I turned around and I said, "You know, I don't think I'm going to give you that satisfaction." Later still, the woman who does line control when we have a line had gone into the first tunnel to talk to him and get out of the wind and she comes back down and says, "Yeah, I agree, they'd make a cute couple." Then these two women were really on one with trying to play matchmaker. It didn't help things either to be up there and seeing the other guy (who I had given a ride to the previous weekend) and have him giving me strange looks all night.
I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.
Bye LL! I'll be back in a bit, I'm just going to run and do a couple of dishes. (I had a salad and I need to clean up from it.) Then I need to run the garbage out because it's got lots of yucky stuff in it that shouldn't stay in the apartment for very long.
I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.
hey Island! yep it snowed here i likey snow! and it is so pretty tonight, the moon is bright and with the snow on the ground it makes it so wonderful, and cold, outside
hey Island! yep it snowed here i likey snow! and it is so pretty tonight, the moon is bright and with the snow on the ground it makes it so wonderful, and cold, outside
What's up everyone? Paints it's nice to see that people (women or men) still believe that they can follow their instincts on things like this, and make their own choices instead of letting other people influance your decisions.
i had a great time at Joy's! after i got there Joy, her brother Zack, and i went for a walk to a rocky outcropping about a mile away, up in the mountains. we hung out there for awhile and climbed all over the rocks my hands got a little tore up from the climbing and i slipped a few times because the ground was steep and you slid easily on all the loose rocks.
when we got back to the house i played Halo 3 with Zack for a few hours and we almost beat it!
then, Joy, Zack, and i got all dressed up in vampire outfits( well, Joy and i were dressed as vampires, Zack just put on some camo clothes and some face paint, he looked pretty cool and we played outside for awhile until Joy's older sister got home. while we where playing outside we decided to have a play fight. i ended up tackling Zack to the ground but he pulled me down with him, my knee hit the ground kinda hard and my right arm got a little scrap on it, but it was fun all the same
when Joy's sister got home we stayed up until 2:30am watching Moonlight and then we couldn't go to bed because we were thinking/talking about Mick too much