I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Ep 1: The Beginning of the End (Hurley flashforward) 1-31-08 (Starting at 8:00 with a recap) Ep 2: Confirmed Dead (Freighter people flashback) 2-7-08 Ep 3: The Economist (Sayid flshfowd) 2-14-08 Ep 4: Eggland (Kate flashforward) 2-21-08 Ep 5: The Constant (Desmond flashback) 2-28-08 Ep 6: The Other Woman (Juliet flashback) 3-6-08 Ep 7: Ji Yeon (Jin & Sun flashforward) 3-13-08 Ep 8: no title yet (Michael centric.. that's all we know) 3-20-08
The sight where I usually get my info is down until the 13th, but will update this as soon as I get more data.