I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
i guess when we saw it was a camaro we should have known who the driver was!!! jack did!!! what does it mean? 'i'm one of the oceanic6'? why are they special? just because they survived???
hurley in the future denies knowing analucifer? wants to return to the nut house?? is hallucinatng what happened to charlie?? wow! what is happening there?? what did he see in the convenience store? lottery tickets??
back on the island... a cannonball!
des makes the announce ment.. they atre nor who they say they are.... locke disaopppeared... naomi disappears... ben asks danielle to get alex away to safety... hmmmm story unfolding
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
spooky!!!!!we have a futer hurley happy in the nuthouse... see matthew avedor?? attorney for oceanic... is he real? or hallucination? loved the blackbard in the background!! sawyer...very kind reaching out to hurley like that!! impressive! hurley alone... stumble on....the cabin? or what?? jack and danielle and ben... interesting... and he gives kate responsibility again... it may be the year of the jaters!naomi lives!!!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
kate took thee phone!!!she was the one who needed to find naomi anyway... seemed to be able to relate... naomi has a sister... just like juliet... whio is the sis?? someone we know?? hurley... did he see jacob or john locke??? thet was skeeery!!!!!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
oh my.... most beautiful scene of the nite...hurley and claire... 'he's dead...charlie's dead' charlie in the future... 'they need you... you know they need you...' wow!!! sayid angered at locke for blowing the sub... hurley knows that locke is right about the boat people... jack appears... he would have shot locke with out listening! locke has always listened to jack... may not have followed what he said... but he listened! and...'rambo' nice!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
this show is amazing!!!the division is interesting.. with locke... hurley, sawyer, claire and aaron, ben, danielle, alex and carl... jack and kat with rose and bernard.... and juliet... future and hurley and jack meet... they can't tell...what??? why?? they want us to come back??? interesting line... and of course there is the rain... the forboding rain... harbinger of bad news and events... and the helicopter arrives.....
kate took thee phone!!!she was the one who needed to find naomi anyway... seemed to be able to relate... naomi has a sister... just like juliet... whio is the sis?? someone we know?? hurley... did he see jacob or john locke??? thet was skeeery!!!!!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
the guy who visits hurley is named matthew abbedon= the bad boat men
from wiki: Many Biblical scholars believe Abaddon to be Satan or the antichristt. Others have stated that he may be one of the lesser demons of hell, or even a dark angel!
Ok - this is a knee jerk response because I haven't finished this whole episode yet ... BUT. When you think of time travel and then you see Charlie and how he's dressed and everything. And then you hear him ay ... yes, I"m dead, but I'm also here. Immediately I think. This is Charlie now, in this space and time. Charlie is dead anddidn;t get on the freighter and it was supposed to be because if he had been on the freighter, he couldn't have existed with two Charlies at the same time and on the same fraction of time. The Oceanic Six are where they are because none of them were already there in that timeline. Remember back to the future?
Ona side note. I've been cyring since the first scene. And, already knowing that Kate stole the phone, I was able to recognize the fact that Ben - by the very slight turn of his head told us he already knew.
Jack can be SOOOOOO pigheaded and Kate was being so very submisive and humble in her response back to him. I think because at this point, she also looks at him as a leader.
Sawyer strengthening the bonding between he and Hurley by trying to lend him and ear resonates with the past when Hurley tried to console him about Kate.
John Locke was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in that cabin with Jacob!!! And I have a beef with the guy who said it was Christian Sheppard in there. It's a resemblance, but it was still very dark and unclear.
it seemed to go by so quickly! I was led to believe it would last 2 hours.
one question: why did Sayid stay with Jack when he was also suspicious that the freighter people were watching their communication?
Keep your freinds close, keep your enemies closer. Sayid doesn't run from danger, he sits in the middle of it and gathers info and then attacks it from within.
it seemed to go by so quickly! I was led to believe it would last 2 hours.
one question: why did Sayid stay with Jack when he was also suspicious that the freighter people were watching their communication?
Keep your freinds close, keep your enemies closer. Sayid doesn't run from danger, he sits in the middle of it and gathers info and then attacks it from within.
it seemed to go by so quickly! I was led to believe it would last 2 hours.
one question: why did Sayid stay with Jack when he was also suspicious that the freighter people were watching their communication?
Keep your freinds close, keep your enemies closer. Sayid doesn't run from danger, he sits in the middle of it and gathers info and then attacks it from within.
One of my stray thoughts is rooted in the missing snippe that they didin;t showed us, but let Jimmie Kimmel air. You have someone like Juliet, how do you explain her? Gee, well see ... nice freighter people and Oceanic I came to the island on a subm arine and helped the others who gassed a whole research facility full of pople including women and children and, btw, I also helped tortue some of the oceanic flight 815 people. Then you have Ana Lucia who shot Shannon. There's soooo much that is so complicated that it must seem like the easier thing to do is to lie and not ever tell anyone what really happened on that island all those days.
But it also must be a very very hard thing to live with.
Jack and Kate staring into the overgrown ****pit is so poignant when you see it in the middle of the flashforwards and present island. It's like looking at the past, while in the present and standing on the edge of the future.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
at the end, when hurley talks to jack, he sez 'i think IT wants us to come back...' giving the island a true identity... acknowledging the magic of the place and the specialness that it has.... he knows it can reach out to those who have been there... perhaps this is why you can never leave... it always stays connected to you in some way...
Hmmm... I was reading someone's post at DarkUFO. A few interesting things...
"First, who was the evil voice in that second call? It came through more garbled than the other two, and in a much more ominous, rainy, whispery-type of otherworldly talk."
"the smoke monster this episode was Matthew Abbadon. Think back to the episode where Mr. Eko died - think back to his last visions of Yemi. Remember that moment? The moment where Eko realized he wasnt really looking at his brother? Abbadon had that same look. That same startling, bug-eyed, blood-chilling Yemi-stare. Are they still alive? he says it with the same toneless inflection as Yemi asking Eko to beg forgiveness."
"Last but not least, Ill leave you all with something I noticed but have no idea what it means. The word HO shows up three times this episode, in three different forms. First, glance behind Hurley as hes freaking out over Abbadon trying to take him away theres a small plastic(?) sculpture of the letters HO on a shelf back there. Later on, he makes reference to Charlies ghost showing up in the convenience store right next to the Ho Hos. And finally, playing HORSE with Hurley, Jack misses two shots. Hurleys response: Thats HO. Im drawing a blank on this one."
kate took thee phone!!!she was the one who needed to find naomi anyway... seemed to be able to relate... naomi has a sister... just like juliet... whio is the sis?? someone we know?? hurley... did he see jacob or john locke??? thet was skeeery!!!!!
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
if naomi has no sister... then this was a code phrease used to convey a message... but i do believe that she has a sister... who??? penny? klugh?? altho she's dead, naomi may not have known that... will be interesting...