Thanks! For some reason I can't write on my pictures in ms paint. It makes this big white square to write and then when I finish, the words are there as is the white square. Like in my avi. I didn't want that white rectangle there and the words inside. But it leaves it.
So, I inverted the colors to see what would happen, and that's what happened.
Lion, when you go and click on the "Lettering" icon to add words. When you click that a small optinon box appears on the bottom of the toolbar on the left. To avoid getting that white box just click the little box witht he shapes that has the "Dotted" line around it instad of the white box. that should let you put in whatever letting you want and it'll not have that box there when you're done.
I like it. I've done the inverted colors stuff before also, but I think that is one of the images that works very well in that style. Not all images look right when you do that.
Lion I just don't feel that any of the episodes have lived up to what i expected out of this season. It's till got way too much random crap, and by now we should have gotten a few answers to questions that have been hanging around since S1. I can wait for those answers overall, but make the show interesting. I had a feeling at the end of last season that when I heard that this season would feature more FF's tht I would be down on the show a bit. I think things could have been done better, but I also don't know how. It's just not a good season so far IMO.
i totaly agree,befor it was like clear everything lost is its ...oh well....i watch but it bums me out...hoping from the promo's this weeks is better
DSG I actually can't even watch it when it's on this week if I wanted to. They aren't airing it until like Midnight due to State High School hockey or basketball. So i'll be at work when it's on. I really hope that my DVR adjusts for it. I guess if it doesn't I'll watch it on the CPU, but I hate sitting int he office cahir that long if I don't have to.
is it a flashback or realtime....geting to the freigter....i dont know if you saw darks prommo.but it looks like this one may be the best yet, this season that is
is it a flashback or realtime....geting to the freigter....i dont know if you saw darks prommo.but it looks like this one may be the best yet, this season that is
There are supposed to be some flashes to his past when he was in prison. It sounds kinda like it will be like the Flashes Before Your Eyes episode.
Yup. The box appears with the dotted line, I type in the words, I click and then there's a white box with the words inside. I try to color in the box even and the words disappear.
oh wait.. you need to click that box first. Then make the box to type in on the image. if you try it the other way it'll remain with the original set-up.
Try clicking the lettering button. Then click the button w/the dotted line. Now set up the little box for the text on the image where you want it. Now type the words.
If they don't show up then you may need to change the color of the font. To do that just highlight the words you've types in, and then on the top of the lettering are there should be a toolbar with font options. Just keep the letters highlighted, and choose a different color for the font.
Well, it bogged down. Then Mario barfed on the floor because he caught a nasty phlegmy cold from his nephew and can't talk very well now. And other cats were stealing our cat's food. We have a cold front and it blows stuff around, so I need an antihistamine.