I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Sorry you have jury duty, Lion. I've been summoned for it once. But I was in Europe at the time the summons came so my mom called the courts for me and explained the situation so I was excused from having to report in.
I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.
hey Island the driving went really well i drove all the way there and all the way back ( about 5 hours total) and i am really tired now i won't be on here very much longer, i need to get some sleep tonight
hey Island the driving went really well i drove all the way there and all the way back ( about 5 hours total) and i am really tired now i won't be on here very much longer, i need to get some sleep tonight