Home of the Kate and Jack lovers....come spread the love.
~Welcome to the J&K ship! Here you can talk about Jack and Kate’s relationship. Please post vid’s, fic links, and pictures. All posters are welcome to post here as long as there is no Jate bashing.~
~Reasons to go Jate~
-When they met…
-Their kiss…
-‘We got caught in a net’…
- Forgiveness:: Three days ago, we all died. We should all be able to start over. - She sewed up his back - He kept her secret
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
at any rate, you're not s'spose to spread Jate hate in a jate thread same as we don't go messin with the Skaters in their own thread .. that's why ya made the shippers rant - yes?
Here's to hoping that more Jaters worth their weight in tissues find their way in here soon. You need some help Lion. At least a couple more so there will be a captain, first mate, and a crew.
Hey. Just joined here today. I got this link from the ABC boards and I see we are a little small on numbers here so I thought I would join and help out. I will be back later with some discussions and what not. Lata.
Not a whole lot of coversations and discussions going around but if you start one I'll be more than happy to take it and run with it. It will give me a chance to show of the skills on here.
Well, rumor mill has it Jacks got a new love interest and since Kate makes her decision in six eppies means she's choosing Sawyer ...... but I think writers and producers and PR people can be deceptive!
LionQueen wrote: Well, rumor mill has it Jacks got a new love interest and since Kate makes her decision in six eppies means she's choosing Sawyer ...... but I think writers and producers and PR people can be deceptive!
I always get a good laugh at these recent spoilers. It's amazing how people believe everything. Most shippers are so invested in these couples they refuse to look at things rationaly. If you step outside the box for a minute, it's clear as crystal what couple the writers are going with and thats Jack and Kate. We have the story on our side, and everything is pointing in our favor. You know when I would start to worry? When the writers start throwing obstacles in front of Kate and Sawyer. I would worry if the writers started giving Sawyer new love interests and had Kate and Sawyer constantly being interupted. But there not. That tells me which couple they view as more important to the story. Jack and Kate are the couple that the general audience roots for. They are the ultimate 'will they or wont they?' couple that people want to see finaly get together.
Most people tend to over-analyze this triangle, and turn nothing into something. I'm not saying Sawyer and Kate arent a viable couple or that they wont get together, I'm just saying it's obvious which couple is the writers 'long term' plan(Jate). By constantly throwing problems and other people in Jack and Kates way (like Ana, Sawyer, Juliet, their pasts) it makes the viewers want it more. That's what makes a great drama. You want to make the possible look impossible. The writers will take Jate down to it's lowest point, probably this season. They will make it look like there is no way these two will ever get together, that Jate is impossible and can never happen, so when it does finaly happen and they do get together it's shocking and great television. You ever notice there are never any pro-Jate spoilers? Never. One or two here and there every now and then but nothing compared to all the pro-Skate spoilers we get. You never here anything like 'Jack and Kate will get together next season' or 'Jack and Kate heat things up next episode'. The writers are always mum on these two. They keep things quiet and never reveal to much about them. This is just more proof which couple is their 'main ship.' There not going to make people think Jack and Kate will get together and then have her get with Sawyer. Remember those ' Jate wrench' spoilers? Remember those 'Kate and Sawyer heat things up during May sweeps' spoilers? None of that happened. Not even close. But the public bought it hook-line-and sinker as did most shippers. We all expected the worst, especialy heading into the season finale. That TV Guide before the finale was full of pro-Skate spoilers. And what happened? The Look. A great Jate scenee to end the season. Need I say more? Total surprise that moment, and not one spoiler predicted it. My point? Dont get to much invested in spoilers, all you have to do is look at the story to see what really is going to happen.