Snoop Froggy Frog wrote:216: 1000 years of pain jutsu!!!
Sir Snootch wrote:222. Make him do surgery on a grape....and tell him if he can't save it he dies.
222. Make him do surgery on a grape....and tell him if he can't save it he dies.
Snoop Froggy Frog wrote:223: Tell him Desmond single handedly saved everyone in the worlds life six times a day for three years and he didn't.
223: Tell him Desmond single handedly saved everyone in the worlds life six times a day for three years and he didn't.
Sir Snootch wrote:228. Put him in a round room, and tell him to sit in the corner.229. Have all of the losties tell him that they are willing to die alone.
228. Put him in a round room, and tell him to sit in the corner.229. Have all of the losties tell him that they are willing to die alone.