I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
LL I was thinking that I need to add a few more now. Her and Alex being the first two, and maybe a group one for the OTHERS in general. Thanks for starting this, and I'll get on the SP pic soon.
Good idea LL! :) and also Snootch. Miss Clue, Um, Puckett, Alex, as well as Penny all deserve threads ...... you think Mr.Paik and Jae? I dunno .... OH, what about our newest hot Latin couple???
LionQueen wrote: Good idea LL! :) and also Snootch. Miss Clue, Um, Puckett, Alex, as well as Penny all deserve threads ...... you think Mr.Paik and Jae? I dunno .... OH, what about our newest hot Latin couple???
I'll put out more tha the two once they are more involved in the story. As for Jae and Paik...not really Jae (being dead and all) as for Sun's dad...I could, but right now don't think there's anything involving him that can't be talked about in Sun's thread. Penny...Oh I'll get that one in there also. I think that Pucket can stick in the OTHERS one for now. If he becomes a bigger force (LIKE KLUGH) i'LL GET GOING ON A THREAD THEN.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Lion is this because you view her as an OTHER, or becuase you can see the similairities between her and Jack, and that it's very possible that she could be who he ends up with?
I like her for the main fact that it's another strong woman on the show, but more so that she shows the strength to not be afraid of Ben.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
When thinking about the others, and their having been on the island as long as they have. I'm wondering something..... Who trained them? I mean it seems that some of them at least have some form of higher education. How is that?
Lion is this because you view her as an OTHER, or becuase you can see the similairities between her and Jack, and that it's very possible that she could be who he ends up with?
I like her for the main fact that it's another strong woman on the show, but more so that she shows the strength to not be afraid of Ben.
She's very smug. She likes the control issue, though she doesn't show it blatantly, you can tell she enjoys it.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
snootch2danootch wrote: When thinking about the others, and their having been on the island as long as they have. I'm wondering something..... Who trained them? I mean it seems that some of them at least have some form of higher education. How is that?
Lion is this because you view her as an OTHER, or becuase you can see the similairities between her and Jack, and that it's very possible that she could be who he ends up with?
I like her for the main fact that it's another strong woman on the show, but more so that she shows the strength to not be afraid of Ben.
She's very smug. She likes the control issue, though she doesn't show it blatantly, you can tell she enjoys it.
I'm with you, she just wants off the Island and only cares about herself. She's a manipulator.
So if she is a manipulator then it's very likley that there is either a blood connection to BEn or at the least maybe a relationship from the past? We don't know much about how the go about relationships yet. it could be that we find out that the community keeps procreation only to the need of keeping the population at the right level. If one person dies they will find a couple and put them together to have a child, and then the child becomes part of the whole. not just their child. Then if this is what happened did she and Ben end up being used for this, and she detested the idea or at the least she didn't want give up the baby?
I believe that the other descended from two groups of people. Think of it as sort of like the Jewish/Muslem thing. They came from Isaac and Ishmael. Both from Abraham. but one was the favored one over the other. The other was sent out in the wilderness.
I believe that there were two siblings, probably brothers hence " The Brothers Karamazov " They both decended from one of the groups that had something to do with the whole reasearch facility. From Hanso or from Dagroots.
They work together, but actually appose one another. How about when Claire said it must have been difficult for Aaron to walk in his brothers shadow ? Dharma has the yen yang symbol. So, whatever research/experiment thing was handed to them, I believe it was handed to one to be respomsible for and the other was supposed to help.
Juliet says she has been on the island for 3 years, 2 months, and 28 days, which would make her arrival time September 5th, 2001. This date is within a few months of Desmond's arrival.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Desmond_Pen wrote: Do any of the Other's know about Desmond?
the others seemed surprised that the LOSTaways had a sailboat so they probably didn't know about the boat...and remember that inman was planning on sailing away on it...so if he was associated with the others he didn't say anything about the boat and didn't let them know it was being fixed....
IN regards to the whole Jacket thing ... has anyone ever taken into account that Juliet did actually lie to Jack? She said they never intended on kidnapping Claire, but yet they just happened to have that nursery all set up with the planes that played of all things Catch a Falling Star. And, she said that Ethan kept the stash of drugs hidden near the caves when it was Price(sent by Ben) who planted them there after the others left the Barracks.
Maybe she didn't know. She didn't know Ben would kill off Goodwin either. She was told to lie for Ben all the time. She would do anything to see her sister again.