Ok, they said he will have to play dr. on one of the others, so obviously, they want him to remove the bullet from the woman that Sun shot, and fix her.
I've been hearingthat he would be doing something for them medically for a while now. It's pretty easy to geuss that's who they will want him to work on. My thought is why did Ben seem to be asking him before she was even shot? Was he expecting something? Or does he maybe have some pre-cognative ESP type power?
Well, I'm thining it was either that he had something specific in mind other than this. But I know that it was said early on that jack would be operating on one of the others. not that hard to put two and two together and come up with the conclusion that he will be operating on that woman - can't remmeber her name.
So, either he knew something was coming, or he wanted Jack in reserve in case. Like maybe anticipating that perhaps some of his people would be hurt in the fight between them and the losties, or he already had something else in mind for the future and this other thing happened unexpectantly.
Also keep in mind that sometimes knowing something doesn't have anything to to with precognitive powers, but a very very strong sense of intuitiveness and perceptiveness. If this is strongly developed in someone they can tell you things that seem almost prophetic. Almost as if they're physichic, when really they just have some very sharpened and defined intuition.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Well, what I was saying is that I believe that the spoiler that syas he will operate on one of the others is when he has to operate on Colleen. But I think Ben has had some specific plans for him, the Colleen thing sort of happened.
Well it seems that they have much bigger needs for Jack than the bullet. So they need his skill as a spinal surgeon. So this brings me back to a thought from a while ago when I was posting the thoughts that Chia and myself had come up with after some talk one morning.
I think that it's very possible seeing the info they are capable of getting that they very welll could have known that Jack was on the plane. If that's true then I'd have to think that bringing that plane down in some manner would have been invaluable to them. I'm sure they've known about Ben's condition for some timje, and we now also have an idea of why he offered himself up to get "caught"...( still think that Dannielle was in on that) He wanted to get a closer look at Jack, and get a better feel for him. Maybe check him out to see if he'd be worth going after.
LionQueen wrote: I think Locke was a part of that plan, myself. At any rate ...... the plot thickens....
I can see that Locke would be wanted...but for Ben to risk himself (as the leader) for it there had to be something more personal and involved to it. Think about it like this. Were you in his place would you send Pickett or Tom to get that info? No siree bob.. you'd do it yourself for two reasons.
first you have the skills o manipulate and do what you need to to get info you need.
Next I personally would prefer to entrust my life (his is in danger from the spinal issue) and hopes in myself than in another person if at all possible.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
Well, but, Benry was in control the whole time really. Yea, they had him tied up and all. But he knew noone was really going to kill him. They man has some really powerful understanding of the human mind. I really think he had to have studied that at some point in time. Another life. Hmmmm......
Benry said he had been on that island his entire life. But which life was that ?
Lion I don't know that he could have thought they wouldn't kill him. If the chance had been given, and if he would have been allowed to continue his interogation. I think Sayid may have gotten farther into whaat made Ben tick, and maybe even had found out something that could have made him snap.
If you are in control you can manipulate how you want. Although I do think ben is aware of the fact that at the time Sayid was a bit of a loose canon. but he managed to get more out of Sayid than Sayid did of him in just a few seconds. He has an exaggerated sense of perception and that is one of his advantages. It's how he controls people.
man, and if worse came to worse ... did you see how he P**** whipped Sawyer?? Ben can handle hismelf if he has to.
I thikn one of Ben's biggest strengths is his lack of fear. He knows he's dying, and he doesn't fear death. He's been living on borrowed time, and whatever he does is just another thing he has made it through before he goes.