I like your theory that their exes hooked up but I wonder if it's really going to be something that big? I'm guessing they are both doctors because of the knowledge that Juliet seemed to have in caring for Jack and also in the clip that's up for this week, Ben seems to be in desperate need for her help. So I'm guessing she needs to help the woman who was shot.
Island_Reigns wrote: I like your theory that their exes hooked up but I wonder if it's really going to be something that big? I'm guessing they are both doctors because of the knowledge that Juliet seemed to have in caring for Jack and also in the clip that's up for this week, Ben seems to be in desperate need for her help. So I'm guessing she needs to help the woman who was shot.
I thought that too, but I think it will actually be Jack who saves the girl who was shot.... I think he will be morally "forced" or maybe use it as a barganing chip guess we'll have to wait and see...
I'm thinking if he does decide to help that girl that was shot by Sun it'll be a moral issue more than anything else. His code of ethics will kick in, and as a doctor he'll feel obligated to help. I would hope that his brain tells him to also use it as a barganing chip, but i don't see him realizing the value of it until it's to late.
Well the first main cnoection is that they are both in the medical field. But now I'm wondering if it's possible that she worked in the same hospital as him at one point or another?