Ever since Desmond and Claire had their small scene in LTDA, I thought they interacted well together. I think their interactions this season, though few have been quite adorable and have been setting up or possibly testing the possibility of Daire. Damon and Carlton said at one point that there might be a Charlie/Claire/someone triangle this year and I'm really thinking it might be Desmond that's the third part.
Anyway, I thought I would start a ship for this hopefully future pairing. I'm interested to see what other people think.
That's cute!! he's kinda older than what I'd prefer but still. he at least is more mature and would be able to encourage her idependance. he wolnd't crowd her. but what about Pez???
LionQueen wrote: That's cute!! he's kinda older than what I'd prefer but still. he at least is more mature and would be able to encourage her idependance. he wolnd't crowd her. but what about Pez???
He would deffinately take care of her and not crowd her like you said. I'm not a big fan of Penny myself, but that could just be from lack of screen time. I hate for Des to waste away without anyone until the show comes to an end when Penny gets there.
I'm undecided. I am so much for starcrossed lovers. Id love to see Des come back with his chest held high and his honor back and stick it to widmore and get the girl. So, I'm kinda torn.
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I cried, "Oh, Lady Midnight, I fear that you grow old, the stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold." "If we cry now," she said, "it will just be ignored."
I really think we may get some good stuff between these two after the break. It's just this feeling I have. I may be totally wrong, but I hope I'm not.